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Innovative Ovarian Cancer Research in the United States

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Leading the Charge for Better Ovarian Cancer Research

Ovarian Cancer Institute was established to fund promising new approaches to ovarian cancer research throughout the United States. We seek new approaches to early diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer and emphasize innovative research strategies. We hope to revolutionize the care of ovarian cancer patients through novel approaches not continuously funded by other agencies. These other organizations have categorized these emerging options as “high risk.” OCI wants to help fill this gap in research and development. Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions about our research or would like to donate to our advancement of ovarian cancer research.

researcher using microscope

New Breakthrough in Ovarian Cancer Detection

The Ovarian Cancer Institute (OCI) has developed a groundbreaking machine learning-based classifier that uses serum metabolic profiles to accurately identify ovarian cancer. With an impressive 93% accuracy, this innovative tool offers a new direction in early cancer detection.

Key Highlights:

  • Predictive models accurately detect ovarian cancer.
  • Lipids predominate among the most informative metabolites.
  • Clinical tool provides a probabilistic assessment of cancer presence.

State-of-the-Art Technology for Ovarian Cancer Research

Technology has always been at the forefront regarding advancing medical research. At OCI, we utilize modern advances in the medical field to conduct and facilitate new research developments. Our hope is to further ovarian cancer research to help with swifter detection and how to treat it better once the cancer has developed. There are many patients all over the United States and beyond who would benefit from this research, and our team dedicates themselves to moving the needle in a positive way for them.

Learn More

1266 W Paces Ferry Rd NW suite 339, Atlanta, GA 30327, USA